
Tongue Twisters

The Bearded Biker


Mercedes Benz

Director Noma Bar uses animation with fast transitions to highlight the benefit of a safety system by Mercedes-Benz, using negative space, iconic graphics and double-meaning imagery.

His film ‘Biker’, released online, tells the story of a Mercedes that succeeds in braking right on time to avoid a collision with a biker in its blind spot. All of this, thanks to a nifty safety feature: Active Blind Spot Assist.

The film dramatizes a complicated traffic situation as a tongue twister and literally narrates it from the perspective of the safety system, fast and flawlessly.

Bar created several visual metaphors and mixed them with typography to accompany the fast voice-over. Each frame fits exactly a word. The film is the first in an animated series to be released highlighting Mercedes-Benz smart safety systems.

Illustration & Direction Noma Bar

Animation Ale Pixel Studio

Advertising Agency Antoni Berlin

Creative Director Marcell Francke

Copywriter Erick Barrios Hernández

Copywriter Matti Lietsch

Art Director Wolfgang Warzilek

Art Director Daniel Righi

Art Buyer Valerie Opitz

Production Company Dutch Uncle

Sound – nhb studios Berlin GmbH


2D Animation


Broadcast. Social Media




MONCLER / 5:20 / James Goldcrown


Bank Of Scotland / 'With You All The Way' / 3 x 00:40s